Isabelle Kinnard Talking about her Trip to Turkey

 I am Isabelle Kinnard and I am from the Council for America’s First Freedom in Richmond, Virginia. What has struck me most profoundly about the trip is the depth and breadth of the entire experience. Turkey’s historical depth is nothing like I have experienced before, a place where civilizations have existed from prehistory until the present with so many distinct cultures and beautiful artifacts. The breadth in terms of the cultures that exist here, the food, the art, the architecture, the people; all of that has struck me intensely as the experiences that I’ve had from the outside.

Experiences on the inside are, looking internally, have also gone towards depth and breadth, particularly noticed the depth and breadth of the many people who have been around, especially those of you who are from Rumi Forum. I am astounded by the depth of your commitment, and the breadth to which you are willing to go to communicate that commitment. I was looking earlier today at the Mawlana’s principles where he wrote that, or said that, in generosity you should be like a river and I commend you for all living up to this. It is truly an impressive thing, and something that we have all learnt from. I too hope to learn from this generosity and most primarily to take that back to my culture and my country, and to spread that kind of generosity and love for my fellow humans as I travel forward now. Thank you very much!

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