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My name is Marie Keefe. It is likely that I will be crying before I get through five more words, because as I look at you; you are just wonderful people, and it is you who have modulated the trip. …


I am Susan Mapchail from North Carolina. If I still have the right phrase this time, “doydum”, and (laughs). This has been a very full week, very intense. It has been a transformative experience for me in many ways. I …


I am Judith Sayed from Charlottesville, Virginia. I found the week here with Rumiforum very affirming. I can echo all that has been said thus far. I found it particularly affirming the fact that, being married to a Muslim and …


My name is Fatina Abdrabboh. I am from Cambridge, Massachusetts and I would like to just thank the RumiForum of course for this opportunity. It has been spectacular you know to say the least. I certainly echo everybody else’s sentiments.   …


I am Jeanne Clarkson. I am from Vienna, Virginia. This whole trip to me is somewhat of a surprise. I came to it by way of the baptism of my first grandchild. The priest who baptized her from Georgetown Father …


My name is Debbie Reichmann and I am from, I currently live in Potomac, Maryland and I am from Georgetown University. As everyone has been speaking, I have become more and more nervous as to how I can add to …


My name is father Conrad Pecevich. I want to say, first of all that, this has been for me a very spiritual experience and cultural and many other things. I first of all want to say spiritual; because I have …


I am thoroughly impressed. If Turkey wants another citizen I may be applying so that could possibly happen. I found the whole organization of the trip the way that it was put together in such a thoughtful way that I …


My name is Yvette Moy. I am a student at American University studying for master’s degree in public administration, as well as a journalist for more than two decades in United States. Many times what we write or see is …


My name is Emran Qureshi. I am a Wertheim Fellow at the Labor and Worklife Program at Harvard Law School. This was a roughly targeted trip for me. I knew very little about Turkey’s modern history. I have always wanted …

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