Kyrgyz Scholars and Social Figures about M. Fethullah Gulen

Reading Gulen’s latest books and interviews, we can fully regard him as the most important sage of modern society. He attained such a reverence with preciseness, thoughtfulness and credibility of his statements.

M. Fethullah Gulen’s thoughts and activities on tolerance nowadays are successfully being implemented in a real scenario. In turn, our great mission is transmitting Gulen’s valuable knowledge to younger generation as educational heritage. Thirty years earlier, M. Fethullah Gulen started advocating the idea of forming modern schools for Turkey youth. He also initiated about establishing same sort of schools worldwide and providing deep knowledge and quality moral education. Gulen’s valuable idea and visionary goal didn’t gain full support and encouragement by the Turkish leadership of those years. On the contrary, unverified statements claimed that Gulen was manifesting heightened influence of Islam in the society and his ideas were unreasonable for being approved.

However, according to M. Fethullah Gulen newly modeled schools must be private ones that are free from direct Government funding. Moreover, these schools are designed to work on European model of education and are open for students of national, religious, language diversities. Here, school students are educated for international friendship, collaborative brotherhood and for societal tolerance.

M. Fethullah Gulen’s prominent thoughts and benevolent activities were welcomed by Turkish business owners. It fostered the process of building new modeled Turkish schools to spread education and knowledge for future leaders. Nowadays, they are regarded as top schools in Turkey as well as in many foreign countries of the globe. During the scientific conference collaboratively organized by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Turkey and the Eurasian Platform, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Turkey, Mr. Huseyin Celik expressed: -“Many Turkish business owners have been establishing Turkish schools in many of world countries. Among many connecting bridges that unite nations the most important is the educational bridge. Therefore, we always must work for the bright future with big hopes and endeavors. I do believe that creative work and knowledge of Turkish educators will definitely generate effective and successful end results for students and societies as well.

The Director of Russian Institute of Eastern Studies, Mr. Rostislav Borisovich Rybakov shares his opinion about Gulen’s creativity as following: “Nowadays, educating youth has become the actual task of today’s education system. In this context, we should lead the collaborative work to educate our students for mutual respect and cooperative endeavors.

For the last years, Turkey has accomplished several important educational activities. Thanks to Fethullah Gulen’s educational visioning, Gulen inspired schools in Turkey and across the globe attained winning significance. In turn, we should work towards students’ winning opportunities and experiences.

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