2nd Turkish Olympiad Took Place in the Nation’s Capital

2nd Turkish OlympiadThe event, sponsored by the American Turkish Friendship Association (ATFA) and the Mid-Atlantic Federation of Turkic American Associations (MAFTAA) was held at the Langley High School in Virginia. Contestants from North Carolina, Maryland, Kentucky, Virginia and Delaware competed in different categories including singing, poetry recital and folk dance.

Speaking at the ceremony, Hon. Gerald E. Connoly of Virginia’s 11th Congressional District reminded that Turkey is a very important friend and a long-term ally of the US. Cong. Connolly, greeted the audience by saying “İyi Akşamlar”, which is ‘good evening’ in Turkish. Noting that he has been living with Turkish residents of Virginia for a long time, Cong. Connoly stated that the events like Turkish Olympiad are the best indicators of the friendly relations between the two countries.

Faruk Taban, the president of the MAFTAA, mentioned the significant importance of Turkish schools and Turkish cultural centers around the world to introduce Turkey along with publicizing the Turkish language.

At the end of the jury’s evaluation, Gabrielle Harris was announced as the winner of the singing competition. Greensboro Folk Dance team was awarded first in folk dance category with their performance.

Along with around a thousand spectators, journalists, authors, musicians, community leaders and political figures was also among the audience.

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