Teaching Peace in Schools

Alp AslandoganAlp Aslandogan spoke at a conference “Peace through Education”. A summary of the proceedings were in an article he later penned for the Huffington Post.

One paper that was presented out lined the importance of Gulen- Hizmet schools and their role in peace building in numerous regions around the world. It should always be remembered that these such do not only play an important part in the academic success of students and their character development, but also much more broadly in the social harmonizing role they play in the community !

…These committed heroes are making real impacts throughout the world. At a school in Southeast Turkey, Kurdish children are receiving free tutoring to prepare for schools of medicine, law and engineering, which has created opportunity for those who might otherwise be drafted into the PKK terrorist group. A specialized school in Zamboanga, the Philippines, is bringing Christian and Muslim students together to live and learn under the same roof, which has contributed to greater unity and communication between groups in the village. Another school has brought Serbian, Bosnian and Croatian students together, which has led to friendships instead of the animosity that often festers between these communities…

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