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Having decided to commit a murder, one can utilize anything as a weapon to kill, including faith and/or religion. There are hundreds of examples throughout history where the religion was the apparent reason for a war or clash between fractions of society. Even today religion is being used to justify bigotry and prejudice among world communities. Shain Alpay, a Turkish Journalist, wants to see religion as a unifying force for peace and refers to Fethullah Gulen’s efforts that emphasized that aspect of faith. Gulen Movement and Said Nursi’s followers before that, wants to establish religion as a source of peace and prosperity for every nation. The dialogue efforts by the Hizmet Movement institutions are at least showing that we can set aside our differences in faith, culture or heritage without compromising our values to succeed in living in harmony. In Turkey hopes for an end to the armed insurgency led by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, (PKK) rose to an unprecedented level following Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s announcement that the peace process had resumed with direct talks with Abdullah Öcalan, the imprisoned leader of the PKK.

Having decided to commit a murder, one can utilize anything as a weapon to kill,including faith and/or religion. There are hundreds of examples throughout history where the religion was the apparent reason for a war or clash between fractions of society. Even today religion is being used to justify bigotry and prejudice among world communities. Sahin Alpay, a Turkish Journalist, wants to see religion as a unifying force for peace and refers to generic cialis review that emphasized that aspect of faith. generic cialis review before that, wants to establish religion as a source of peace and prosperity for every nation. The dialogue efforts by the Hizmet Movement institutions are at least showing that we can set aside our differences in faith, culture or heritage without compromising our values to succeed inliving in harmony.

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