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My name is Reverend Toni Fish. I am the Spiritual Leader of the Unity Church in Frederick, Maryland. I came on this trip as a student. I expected to learn. Because I knew I have very large holes in my …

My name is Milldred Steinke. I am Education Director at SanMar Chidlren’s Home. This is my first trip to the Middle East, and I think of all the countries that, that Turkey would be the one to go to first …

My name is Eleonora Karamyants. I work at the Institute on Religion and Public Policy in Washington, DC. First of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank publicly the Rumi Forum for the amazing hospitality and making …

My name is Wendi Amin and I think that this experience has spoken to the heart, and the hearth speaks an ethereal language which is difficult to express in words, but I am going to try. I felt very called …

I am Patricia Kelly. I am a nurse, I am from Maryland, and live in Washington DC, and I came on this trip, I have been feeling very sad and demoralized about the state of the world: all the anger …

Good Evening! I am Fatima Osipowicz and I am from Washington DC, and I am a Professor of English at American University in Washington, DC. When I think of this trip the only thing I can think of is using …

My name is Francine Cabral and I am a marketing director and community liaison for Whole Foods Markets in Northern Virginia. I have to say this has been a very wonderful experience. I did not know very much about the …

My name is Ruth Takushi. I teach at Northern Virginia Community College. I teach English as a Second Language. Coming to Turkey, this is my first time in this part of the world, I didn’t know what to expect. My …

I am Lee Hull Moses, and I am the minister of Faith and Family at First Christian Church Disciples of Christ, in Fall Church, Virginia. I heard a story on the radio a few days ago that I have thinking …

I am Venilde Jerenimo. I am the Associate Director of Development of School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. This trip has been more than I ever thought possible. I have to start off by saying that I really did …

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