The Gulen Movement

In the past five years, through my involvement with the Rumi Forum of Old Dominion University, I’ve become intimately familiar with the work and faith perspective of the movement which emerged from the life of Fethullah Gulen. As both an ordained Baptist minister in the Christian tradition and as an…

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THREE GREATEST ENEMIES: Ignorance, Poverty and Disunity

Fethullah Gülen has stated that society’s three greatest enemies are ignorance, poverty, and internal schism (disunity) and inspired people to consider applying some practical solutions. GULEN’S SOLUTION FOR IGNORANCE Ignorance is the most serious problem, and it is defeated through education, which has always been the most important way of…

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Love is a Verb, Indeed!

I recently had a chance to see a documentary on Fethullah Gulen and the Hizmet Movement, namely “Love is a Verb”. It was a cool breeze from the heavens in this dog-eat-dog world full of ongoing wars and crimes. It once again showed me that there is still hope for…

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An untold African story

I had the privilege of traveling to Africa recently. It was somewhat a whirlwind tour of 4 countries – South Africa, Tanzania (including Zanzibar), Kenya and Ethiopia. It was full of many surprises. I hope to share some of my thoughts and feelings over the course some words in this article. The purpose of this journey…

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Gülen Movement as a Change Agent

The Gülen Movement, although it initially sprouted as a faith-based movement in Turkey in the late 1970s by a few Turkish followers of Fethullah Gülen, seemingly portraying a new formation as a result of a slightly different interpretation of Nursi (Said Nursi) tradition, a historical and ontological analysis of the…

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Psychological Campaigns Against the Hizmet Movement

For as long as I can remember, there are always operations (or military campaigns) against the honorable Fethullah Gulen and the Hizmet movement Though marginal, a powerful evil network has seen this movement as a phenomenon that must be annihilated for the good of Turkey. In fact, it would be…

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